When Should You Choose the ER Over Urgent Care? - Carthage Area Hospital

Urgent care clinics and emergency rooms were developed with similar goals in mind – to treat conditions that require care before a primary care doctor is available. But while each location offers unique benefits, sometimes patients must seek the services of a fully equipped ER, like the one found at Carthage Area Hospital. In the cases described below, choose the ER over urgent care.

  1. You’re dealing with serious, persistent chest pain.

Chest pain doesn’t necessarily mean cardiac arrest, but it should be taken seriously – especially if your family has a history of heart disease. If you’re experiencing serious chest pain with upper body discomfort, tightness, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea and/or cold sweats, go to the ER immediately.

  1. You’re experiencing signs of a stroke.

A stroke occurs when the blood flowing to your brain is interrupted. If you suspect that you or a loved one is having a stroke, remember to think FAST and check these signs:

  • Face: One side droops when smiling.
  • Arms: One drifts downward when both are raised.
  • Speech: Words are slurred or strange.
  • Time: There’s no time to waste – call 911 immediately.

Strokes require more advanced care than that provided by urgent care facilities, so be sure to seek help from your nearest ER right away.

  1. You’ve sustained a severe injury.

Small cuts that may require stitches can be addressed at an urgent care clinic. But if you’re facing open wounds with heavy bleeding, severe burns or a broken bone, a visit to your local emergency room is in order. The ER is also the right option for serious spinal injuries, as well as head wounds that are accompanied by symptoms such as lost consciousness, disorientation/atypical behavior, weakness or numbness, persistent nausea or vomiting and seizure.

  1. You can’t breathe.

Serious breathing problems beyond cold congestion and allergies require an ER visit. A tight feeling in the neck and paleness in the face may indicate an asthma attack, while serious fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, sweating and several other symptoms suggest pneumonia. If your additional symptoms include chest pain, bluish skin and/or an accelerating heart rate, a pulmonary blood clot could be the culprit.

Choose the ER for Critical Care

For immediate medical attention in the North Country, look no further than Carthage Area Hospital’s 24-hour emergency room. We’re fully staffed with seasoned medical professionals to accommodate any critical condition. Find the Carthage ER at 1001 West Street, Carthage, New York.


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