4 Reasons to Schedule Your Annual OB/GYN Exam Today - Carthage Area Hospital

Even when you’re feeling your best, routine medical appointments play a major role in supporting your long-term health, comfort and well-being. And, while many women may put them off, OB/GYN exams are no exception. If you’ve been delaying your annual exam, consider four important reasons to schedule an appointment with Carthage Area Hospital’s Women’s Way to Wellness today.

  1. Discuss birth control.

OB/GYNs offer extensive knowledge of all things birth control. A vast range of options are available, and because each and every body is different, it’s important to discuss your needs with a doctor who’s aware of your unique circumstances. Plus, if you already use birth control, an annual exam is essential – factors such as blood pressure and changes in family planning needs may require adjustments to your preferred method for both convenience and safety.

  1. Get an STD/STI test.

If you’re sexually active, routine STD/STI tests should be a fundamental part of your healthcare routine. Early identification of such conditions, which include chlamydia and gonorrhea, make it much easier to provide adequate treatment and help prevent the spread of infection to a partner.

  1. Receive cancer screenings.

Visiting your OB/GYN presents an excellent opportunity to catch early signs of several types of cancer. Pap smears, for example, involve testing a sample of cells from the cervix in order to identify the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. Your OB/GYN can typically also assist with breast exams. These screenings are extremely important, because in many cases early detection promotes more positive outcomes.

  1. Prepare to start a family.

If you and your partner are planning to have a child, it’s critical to schedule a conversation with your OB/GYN. He or she can provide valuable guidance throughout the conception process while offering advice that can help ensure a healthy, comfortable pregnancy. The visit may also serve as an opportunity to discuss fertility alongside your partner.

North Country OB/GYN Specialists

Serving patients ages 12 years and older, Carthage Area Hospital’s Women’s Way to Wellness is Northern New York’s source for quality OB/GYN care. Services range from routine OB/GYN procedures to cutting-edge, minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries. Learn more about our offerings or call Women’s Way to Wellness at 315-493-3100 to schedule your annual appointment.


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