More Than Surgery: Treatments to Relieve Neck, Back and Spine Pain - Carthage Area Hospital

For severe cases of neck and back pain, surgery may be required. But for many patients, nonsurgical methods provide a less-invasive alternative. The physicians and neurosurgeons at Carthage Area Hospital can evaluate your symptoms, confirm a diagnosis and recommend the best course of action for you. Whether treatment involves surgery or more conservative methods, you can trust that you’re in good hands at Carthage Area Hospital.

Physical Therapy

Certain stretches and exercises can help reduce back, neck and spine pain. Moving your body in certain ways can actually relieve pressure on the joints and spinal discs and increase circulation throughout your body. Exercise also works to strengthen your back muscles, improve your mobility and resolve stiffness. While you can do these things at home, we recommend you seek guidance from a physical therapist. They can recommend exercises specific to your needs and show you how to correctly do them.

Chiropractic Care

A chiropractor may be able to alleviate back pain through spinal adjustments and manual manipulation. Chiropractors look to treat the underlying cause of your back pain, rather than focusing on symptom relief. After an evaluation, they can suggest a treatment plan to relieve pressure, reduce tension and get your body feeling better.


Heat therapy tends to be especially effective for lower back pain. If you can, use heating pads, gel packs and heat wraps to soothe your back. As the heat touches your skin, it can help relax tight muscles and dilate your blood vessels to improve circulation. Likewise, ice packs can also help numb pain and reduce any swelling. Some people find that alternating between heat and ice works best, but your doctor will suggest the right approach for your needs.


If you have back or neck pain, you may have tried over-the-counter medications. If those don’t work, your doctor can prescribe stronger oral or injection pain medications as well as anti-inflammatory medications. While these medications may not treat the underlying cause, they can help you feel better and enable you to resume normal activities until your body is fully healed. 

See Your Healthcare Provider

If nonsurgical treatments aren’t working for your neck, back or spine pain, consult a specialist at Carthage Area Hospital. Our Neurosurgical Clinic helps patients all across Jefferson County and the surrounding areas get the relief they deserve. Call 315-519-5990 to make an appointment.

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