Understanding Why Your Elbow Hurts - Carthage Area Hospital

Decoding Your Elbow Pain

When your elbow hurts, sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint why and decide whether you should see a doctor or not. Because the elbow is a complex joint made from bones, tissues, tendons and cartilage, the pain could be caused by a variety of things. The Orthopedics department at Carthage Area Hospital can diagnose your elbow pain and offer personalized treatment if needed, but until then, this blog post can give you a better idea of what might be going on.

Elbow Injuries

Generally, elbow conditions are classified into three categories: injury, overuse and disease. If your elbow was injured, the pain will most likely be accompanied by bruising, redness and swelling, and possibly tenderness, numbness and an inability to bend the arm. You probably won’t be able to tell whether or not it’s broken, sprained, fractured or dislocated until a doctor can evaluate it. If these symptoms persist or get worse, you should seek medical attention. It’s important to make sure the injury heals correctly to prevent future problems.

Elbow Wear and Tear

Often, elbow pain is not caused by a one-time injury, but rather wear and tear over time. For example, if you frequently move your elbow in repetitive patterns during work or while playing sports, such as tennis or golf, there’s a good chance overuse is the cause. Symptoms may include radiating pain, burning and numbness and/or a shaky grip. The pain usually gets worse when using the elbow. To treat this pain, doctors may recommend rest, hot or cold therapy, anti-inflammatory medications or surgery.


If you’re experiencing stiffness along with pain in your elbow, arthritis may be the cause. This condition is especially common in older adults and often worsens with age. However, individuals of any age may be affected. There are two types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis causes deterioration in cartilage, making movement of the joint uncomfortable. Rheumatoid arthritis, however, occurs when your immune system attacks the body’s healthy tissue and results in swelling in the joints. Physical therapy, medications and surgery can ease this pain in many cases.

Additional Conditions that Cause Elbow Pain

A number of diseases may cause joint pain among other symptoms. Gout, lupus, Lyme disease and osteochondritis dissecans are just a few of these conditions. If your doctor suspects that your elbow pain is related to other symptoms or a more serious condition, he or she will conduct testing to provide an accurate diagnosis and determine how to relieve your discomfort.

When to See a Doctor

In some cases, elbow pain due to a minor injury may improve over time without intervention. But if your pain is severe, persistent, worsening or accompanied by a fever, it’s important to seek treatment. No matter what might be causing your elbow pain, Carthage Area Hospital’s orthopedic specialists can help. To learn more, contact us today by calling 315-493-3333.

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