Treating Sports Injuries at Home - Carthage Area Hospital

Sometimes, it’s obvious when you need to see a doctor for a sports injury. But other times, it might be something you think will heal on its own. Here, we talk about when you should see a doctor and when it’s okay to stay home.

At-Home Treatments for Sports Injuries

Athletes are no strangers to ice packs, over-the-counter medications, braces and bandages. Many of them prefer to take care of their injuries at home if they can. A lot of times, rest and relaxation are all the body needs to recover. Things like gentle stretches, massages and foam rollers can help relieve strain.

At-home care is perfectly fine for minor cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises. Other minor injuries, like a jammed finger or broken toe, can usually be cared for at home as well. However, anything more serious should be look at by a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

Some of the most common sports injuries are sprains, strains, dislocations, knee injuries, concussions and ACL tears — and they all require medical attention. You can try self-care at first, but if the symptoms worsen or the injury is taking a long time to heal, it’s best to see a doctor, especially if the injury intervenes with your regular activities or causes severe pain.

The reality is that many athletes have a bad habit of trying to push past the pain in order to keep going. No one wants to be sidelined, especially during an important competition. But this will only make the injury worse and extend the time it takes to recover.

Another reason why athletes should always err on the side of caution and see a doctor is because they rely on their body more than the average person. It’s important to make sure all injuries heal properly, and the only way to do so is by seeing a doctor. Plus, if it doesn’t heal right, there’s a greater chance the injury will happen again.

Get Treatment for Your Sports Injury

No matter how minor you might think your sports injury is, it could get worse if left untreated. Always seek a trained medical professional’s opinion before jumping back in the game. Contact Carthage Area Hospital to find a doctor today.

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