Today's Moms Have More Birthing Options than Ever - Carthage Area Hospital

Years ago, giving birth was often a one-size-fits-all experience. Today, that’s no longer true, and at Carthage Area Hospital we’re committed to offering a variety of options to help expectant mothers give birth in the way that feels right. Here, we’ll explore just a few of the options offered by our Maternity Unit to help you enjoy a healthy, confident birthing experience right here in Carthage, NY.

Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum (LDRP) Rooms

Many women are attracted to the comfort of home birth, but have concerns about medical complications. LDRP rooms provide a solution with a combination of privacy, comfort and advanced medical care. Mothers who opt for an LDRP room remain in a single area from the moment they’re admitted to the hospital until they take baby home and enjoy a number of great amenities.

LDRP rooms are available to women who choose an epidural for pain management, as well as those who prefer to avoid pain medication. It’s important to note, however, that cesarean procedures cannot be performed in an LDRP room.


Hydrotherapy, or the use of warm water, has significant benefits when giving birth. This is because the water helps boost production of oxytocin and endorphins for natural pain relief and relaxation, as well as regulate the intensity of contractions.

Our LDRP rooms boast five stand-up showers, which allow you to sit or stand during labor and even be joined by your spouse. Similarly, you can float in one of three Jacuzzi tubs, where jets soothe pain and help you relax. While these options are not appropriate for delivery, they’re a great way to reduce discomfort during labor and prepare to give birth.

Family by Your Side

Welcoming a new family member is exciting, but it can also be stressful. That’s why many women choose to have a spouse or other loved one by their side during labor, delivery and recovery. To accommodate this preference, our LDRP rooms include daybeds that allow a guest to stay with you overnight.

Doing so facilitates interaction between patients, their families and their doctors, promoting better communication and easier decision-making. Similarly, loved ones can provide much-needed care and support to help you feel secure as you prepare to give birth.

Take Control of Your Birthing Experience

From state-of-the-art facilities to pregnancy and childbirth education, Carthage Area Hospital’s OB/GYN caregivers are prepared to support your birthing experience. To learn more or request a tour of the Maternity Unit, call 315-493-1000. ��ٍ�����

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