Over the Counter Splints Often Do More Harm Than Good - Carthage Area Hospital

This blog post was written and contributed by Carthage Area Hospital Hand Therapist, Carl Petitto, OT/L, CHT

I’ve seen many people attempt to alleviate wrist and hand pain by going to the store and buying an over-the-counter splint.  Since no two people are alike, a “one size fits all” approach to splinting is very difficult to do safely.  Even when these splints are “sized,” (small, medium, large, etc.) many of these splints have a stiffener bar in them.  The stiffener bar(s) often causes pressure on the median nerve within the carpal tunnel, tendons on the thumb side of the wrist causing tendinitis (severe inflammation of the tendon), and other problems, causing increased symptoms and often new conditions that need to be treated.

            As a hand therapist, I fabricate custom splints that can be customized and molded directly onto you.  I also use some splints that are pre-made.  These are available to therapists for specific conditions and are provided in a safe and appropriate manner by the hand therapist.  Mechanically speaking, there are a lot of moving parts in a very small area within the wrist, hand, and fingers.  There is a right and wrong way of doing things here and there is not much room in between.  Most structures within these areas are very shallow to the surface and are easily aggravated, causing new problems and worsening the original problem. 

            When you see your hand therapist, be sure to bring any splints or devices that you are currently using with you to your first appointment.  Occasionally, splints can be modified so that you won’t need a new one.  In the event that you need a different device, health insurance will cover most splints.  Most importantly, we will help you get well in minimal time, allowing you to get rid of any and all splints as quickly as possible. Most splints should only be used as a temporary tool on your road to a speedy recovery.

About Carl Petitto, OT/L, CHT

Carl is an occupational therapist who has undergone additional training as a board certified hand therapist, specializing in rehabilitating patients with orthopedic conditions affecting the fingertips to the shoulder.    Carl also fabricates custom splints as an additional tool to help people to get well in minimal time.  He has been treating the upper extremity since 2000.  Carl provides complimentary screenings – If you are having pain, stiffness, numbness, tingling… anywhere within your hand to shoulder, contact Carthage Area Hospital Therapy Services at 315-493-1340            

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