Health Care Proxy Helpline - Carthage Area Hospital
Logos for End of Life Choices New York and The Completed Life Initiatives

In collaboration with The Completed Life Initiative

The Health Care Proxy Helpline is a FREE service created to educate and support New Yorkers in completing the New York State Health Care Proxy form. Our Advance Directive Advocates are available to answer your questions about healthcare planning, including but not limited to the following:

  • What is an advance directive, including the health care proxy form, and what does it mean for me to get one?
  • What should I consider when writing down my wishes?
  • How do I document my medical wishes so my loved ones can know and honor them, especially if I become injured or too sick to tell them what I want and need?
  • How can I make sure that my doctor and care team will listen to someone I trust to communicate and honor my wishes?
  • How can I make sure the health care proxy form is filled out correctly?

For more information, visit, email or call 212-726-2034.

To view our latest Visitation Guidelines, Click HERE.
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