Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes in Carthage NY – Carthage Area Hospital

Childbirth and Breastfeeding Classes in Carthage, New York

Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes in Carthage NY – Carthage Area Hospital

Carthage Area Hospital’s Obstetrics and Gynecology Department prepares new mothers for childbirth. Our OB/GYN staff offers these classes to new parents using this hospital or other facilities.

Childbirth Education

Giving birth to a baby is an exciting experience for families. Our goal is to prepare mothers for labor with assistance from a partner.

Our free three-part childbirth education program includes a tour of the maternity center at Carthage Area Hospital. This includes the birth room where the mother stays through her final labor and delivery. She will remain in the room through recovery and postpartum. The birth room is connected to an operating room for emergencies.

The major part of the class presents the entire childbirth process from labor to delivery. Parents learn how the baby grows in the uterus and how labor contractions begin. Mothers learn how to breathe during contractions.

Prepared childbirth is often referred to as the Lamaze system used in the United States since the 1950s. Mothers in labor learn how to rub the stomach, take shallow breaths and concentrate on an object during a labor contraction that is usually painful. They also learn how to time the frequency and duration of contractions.

The classes explain the use of the epidural injection and the episiotomy when it is necessary. The Caesarian or C-section procedure also is explained.


This class for mothers goes into detail on how to feed the infant. Breastfeeding is healthy for the newborn, who will receive antibodies and immunities through the colostrum that precedes milk when the baby is born.

Most experts suggest that the mother feed her newborn several times during the first 24 hours after birth. A lactation consultant will show mothers how to latch the infant to the breast.

Breastfeeding also has advantages for the new mother:

  • The uterus contracts and returns to its normal size faster.
  • Post-delivery bleeding may be less.
  • It may play a role in reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancers.

Breastfeeding eliminates the need for formula, although mothers may find it necessary to pump milk. The class on breastfeeding will examine the types of pumps along with how and when they should be used.

Expectant mothers should speak with their OB/GYN to discuss their pending childbirth and the advantages of breastfeeding. They can schedule classes at Carthage Area Hospital at their convenience, usually during the third trimester.

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