Four Ways to Cope with the Loss of a Loved One - Carthage Area Hospital

Box of discarded photosWhen you lose a loved one, it can be difficult to cope with the profound emotional pain you experience. Taking care of yourself during this time can help resolve your feelings about the loss. Here are some steps to take that may help manage your grief. If your feelings interfere with activities of daily living, seeking behavioral health services could be beneficial.

Talk Openly About Your Feelings

While it can be painful to talk about your loved one, doing so with trusted family members and friends is an essential part of the grieving process and can help you both honor the person who has passed and cope with emotions surrounding the loss. If you don’t have a strong support system, a behavioral health counselor may be able to recommend a support group of other individuals who have suffered a loss or a qualified therapist.

Accept Your Emotions

Everyone experiences a loss differently, and it’s OK if your emotions diverge from those of other family members. While sadness often accompanies grief, other reactions like anger, frustration, fatigue, and anxiety are common, normal reactions to the death of a loved one.

Ask for Help

Many of us are uncomfortable expressing vulnerability, but leaning on others is one of the best ways to get through the painful months after the loss of a loved one. Accept the kindness of well-meaning friends or neighbors who offer to make a meal, pick up your dry cleaning, or watch your children for an afternoon.

Celebrate His or Her Life

Commemorative gestures that honor your loved one can help bring a sense of closure. Consider planting a garden, making a donation, attending an event in the community, or other ways to celebrate your memories of the special person.

If you feel overwhelmed by the feelings you have after the death of a loved one, the Carthage Behavioral Health Center can pair you with a professional counselor who can help you build resilience and cope with the loss in a healthy way.

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